
German Election Notice

Please be advised that the German general election will be held on Sunday (September 24).The results will be announced after 16:00 GMT on the day of the election.Preliminary results may be announced before the market opens at 21:00 GMT on Sunday.This could increase the risk that all euro currency's market volatility, Spread widen and market gap will increase. If you decide to hold a position until next week, make sure you understand this risk and make sure you have...


Important Update CFDs

Please be advised that we will be removing the products USOil and UKOil and replacing them with a spot oil product. This will be taking place at end of day Tuesday the 1st of August. From 12:00 Tuesday the 1st of August the contracts USOil and UKOil will be put on close only mode. Any open positions  at 20:45 will be closed automatically. The spot oil contracts are subject to a swap charge if positions...



In considerations of security and convenience,etc,we decide to embark on the brand new domain name to replace the old one on 10th July 2017. The new domain is much easier to memorise,”FX”is for forex, and“CG”is for Capstone Global. The succinct domain makes it hard to imitate for the counterfeiters.We received the compliants from our customers before we revise our domain.The counterfeiters copy the offical website of Capstone Global entirely to induce the customers...


Capstone US Independence Day Trading Hours

In observance of the coming holiday, the following FX, CFDs and Spot Metals will have different trading hours. [table id=22 /] [table id=23 /] [table id=24 /] *all times refer to GMT (MT4)time.   Capstone Trade Team 2017.6.29


Capstone Oil Adjustment

We would like to bring to your attention that the Oil (UKOil and USOil) will be quoted officially by 3 decimal places on 18th June (Sunday).   Capstone Trade Team 2017.6.15